Debunking Myths About Hair Growth Phases in Electrolysis

Debunking Myths About Hair Growth Phases in Electrolysis
by Michael Bono (From Beyond the Grave)

Greetings from the afterlife, dear readers! Yes, it’s me, Michael Bono, back for one last job—well, maybe more, depending on how this goes. I’ve been dead since December 27th, 2022, but death, like hair, is just another phase, isn’t it? The truth is, I couldn’t just sit quietly in the afterlife while some myths about hair growth phases keep getting passed around like bad pennies. So, grab your tweezers, and let’s get to work.

Myth #1: You Can Only Zap Hair in the Anagen Phase

Oh, if I had a nickel for every time someone told me this, I’d probably still be broke—thanks, inflation! But seriously, folks, this myth is as stubborn as a rogue chin hair, and just as annoying. While it’s true that the anagen phase is ideal for electrolysis—since the hair is actively growing and the follicle is fully connected to the blood supply—effective treatment isn’t limited to this phase alone.

In fact, you can treat hairs in any phase, as long as they are present in the follicle. That’s right, catagen and telogen hairs can still be successfully treated, though it might take a few more sessions. It’s the stem cells we’re going for, and the hair will lead us to them, whether or not it’s actively growing. The key here is consistency and persistence. The real problem arises when you’re dealing with a dormant follicle—there’s simply nothing to zap, no hair to guide us to the stem cells and no magic can change that.

Myth #2: One and Done in Any Phase

Now, let’s get one thing straight: while you can treat hairs in any phase, there’s a catch—you can’t treat what isn’t there. Some follicles are just plain lazy and go dormant, meaning there’s no hair popping out to say hello. When a follicle is in this resting phase, there’s no hair to zap, and more importantly, the stem cells—the real culprits behind hair regrowth—are lying low, out of reach.

The key to permanent hair removal isn’t just about frying the hair itself; it’s about going after those pesky stem cells. If the follicle is dormant, those stem cells are taking a nap, so there’s nothing for the current to fry. This is why you need multiple sessions—not because we’re trying to catch the hair in a specific growth phase, but because we’re waiting for those lazy follicles to wake up so we can give them a proper send-off.

Myth #3: All Hairs Are Created Equal

This one makes me chuckle. The notion that all hairs respond the same way to treatment, regardless of their phase, is as fanciful as me running a marathon—alive or dead. The reality is, hairs have personalities, and they behave differently depending on where they are in their growth cycle. Treating them like they’re all the same is a rookie mistake, one that leads to poor results and frustrated clients.

A Few Parting Words (Literally)

As someone who’s had the unfortunate experience of finding out what the “final phase” of life feels like, let me tell you, timing is everything. Whether it’s in life, death, or electrolysis, you’ve got to hit the mark at the right moment to make it count. So, don’t let anyone tell you that hair growth phases are just a minor detail. They’re the difference between success and, well, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results—otherwise known as insanity.

And remember, folks, I might be gone, but the lessons remain. So, keep those needles sharp, your clients informed, and don’t let the myths get the better of you.

Until next time—if there is a next time!

Michael Bono, signing off from the great beyond.

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